1KHz Sine wave Generator

Simple circuitry, low distortion, battery operated

Variable, low impedance output up to 1V RMS

Circuit diagram:

1KHz Sinewave generator circuit diagram


R1____________5K6  1/4W Resistor
R2____________1K8  1/4W Resistor
R3,R4________15K   1/4W Resistors
R5__________500R   1/2W Trimmer Cermet
R6__________330R   1/4W Resistor
R7__________470R   Linear Potentiometer

C1,C2________10nF  63V Polyester Capacitors
C3__________100µF  25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4__________470nF  63V Polyester Capacitor

Q1,Q2_______BC238  25V 100mA NPN Transistors

LP1___________12V  40mA Filament Lamp Bulb (See Notes)

J1__________Phono chassis Socket

SW1__________SPST  Slider Switch

B1_____________9V  PP3

Clip for 9V PP3 Battery

Circuit description:

This circuit generates a good 1KHz sinewave adopting the inverted Wien bridge configuration (C1-R3 & C2-R4). It features a variable output, low distortion and low output impedance in order to obtain good overload capability. A small filament bulb ensures a stable long term output amplitude waveform. Useful to test the Precision Audio Millivoltmeter, Three-Level Audio Power Indicator and other audio circuits posted to this website.
